I have written a small demo (tested in GCC 4.6) showing how to get compile-time hashing of a string literal in C++0x.
(Note that the blog is having a little bit of fun with the formatting of the code below; my apologies.)
// NOTE: hashing algorithm used is FNV-1a
// FNV-1a constants
static constexpr unsigned long long basis = 14695981039346656037ULL;
static constexpr unsigned long long prime = 1099511628211ULL;
// compile-time hash helper function
constexpr unsigned long long hash_one(char c, const char* remain, unsigned long long value)
return c == 0 ? value : hash_one(remain[0], remain + 1, (value ^ c) * prime);
// compile-time hash
constexpr unsigned long long hash(const char* str)
return hash_one(str[0], str + 1, basis);
// run-time hash
unsigned long long hash_rt(const char* str)
unsigned long long hash = basis;
while (*str != 0) {
hash ^= str[0];
hash *= prime;
return hash;
// ensure that the constexpr value is really compile-time constant
struct test_const
static const unsigned long long value = NUM;
// test
int main()
constexpr unsigned long long value = test_const<hash (“hello, world!”)>::value;
unsigned long long value_rt = hash_rt(“hello, world!”);
std::cout < < "hash = " << value << std::endl;
std::cout << "hash_rt = " << value_rt << std::endl;
return value == value_rt ? 0 : 127; } </code>
The code is available at GitHub as well, as will be any future updates/tweaks I make for the demo.</hash></unsigned></iostream></code></div>